Diversified Labeling Solutions


a critical component to a well-managed supply chain.



Labeling is a critical component to a well-managed supply chain process. Any warehouse, regardless of its capacity, can reduce labor costs by implementing supply chain label solutions. Beyond warehouse, or distribution centers, there are several opportunities to save money and reduce liabilities with labels.


 Why Labeling is Crucial to Success Along
the Supply Chain

When working with your supply chain customers, it's important to identify how labels can be a strategic support for operations. At DLS, we support our distributors so they can focus on selling solutions, not just labels. The following are four meaningful ways labels can help drive success for your customers:


Meet Regulatory Standards

Labels are often regulated for shipping, marketing and disposal of products. DLS works with you and your customers to create labels that meet both regulatory standards and support your customer’s processes. High-quality printed labels from DLS offer consistency, ensuring your customers are up-to-date with evolving regulations.

Increase Efficiency

As any supply chain customer will tell you, there are always areas of their process that can use improvement. Errors make a huge dent in a company’s bottom line. Proper labeling reduces or eliminates errors and can easily be scaled up as a company grows.


Streamline Business Partnerships

Companies requiring supply chain management rely heavily on business partners and third parties for operations support. Your customers make themselves more attractive to partners by earning a reputation for implementing simple efficient systems. Well-designed labels communicate information clearly with partners, improving efficiencies and reducing redundancies.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Labels often evolve to meet changing customer demands. Companies who don’t respond to change will be left behind and lose business to more aggressive competitors. With well designed label solutions, your clients will grow by better serving their customers changing needs. DLS works with you to create efficient, affordable label solutions to support complete customer satisfaction.


 5 Supply Chain Label Solutions for Distribution and Logistics


Here are sales opportunities every distributor should be aware of for any client with supply chain management challenges:


Barcode Labels

Scanning with barcode labels reduces common picking & shipping errors.


Integrated Labels 

Integrated labels combine shipping labels with other documents such as packing lists or invoices, further streamlining a customer’s process.


Thermal Solutions

Selecting the proper thermal label and ribbon solutions allows for efficient on-demand variable printing.


GHS Labels

GHS labels safely identify hazardous materials for the workplace, transportation, consumers, and first responders.


RFID Labels 

Help your customers know where any pallet is in the supply chain with DLS RFID labels.

 How DLS Can Help You Grow Your Label Business

Most companies that sell a physical product have label needs. Not sure where to begin? Don’t leave money on the table. Let DLS help you identify sales opportunities with your customers. Our label experts are skillful at identifying label solutions for supply chain distribution and logistics. For label training with our experts, email marketing@teamdls.com.

